Monday, November 24, 2008

The Purpose Of The Given Work - The

The purpose of the given work - the analysis of the gaseous harmful substances accumulated by plants or their products of transformation in leaves, needles, a bark, fruits and roots; by means of plants to define degree of impurity of air and soil harmful substances, and also to define ability of plants to clear atmosphere from harmful substances. The given work is spent on the basis of chairs of botany and ecology of the Stavropol state university devoted studying above the named aspects on an example of the plants growing within Stavropol. M.I.Sarapy , . Zoology MATERIALS TO STAVROPOL TERRITORY. Till now Stavropol Territory remains poorly investigated in the relation. There are no even faunistic lists of ants of Stavropol Territory, except for the general works on Kavkazkoj (Dubovikov, 1982). Therefore, considering and participation in the Russian program on exact areas of ants of Russia and the CIS countries, we consider necessary to result here the catalogue of kinds (that should stimulate distribution of kinds).

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