Saturday, September 1, 2007

It Turns Out That The Person In Good

It turns out that the person in good mood spends energy more than it, but in bad mood. Such still an example. Many of you noticed, the person can be fussy, restless and, on the contrary, sluggish, exact in movements. These people can execute approximately for the same time the same quantity of work. Even the second, at times manage to perform this work more. They do not fuss, their movements are economical and exact. But energy the first will spend more. Because of quantities of superfluous movements. And if you noticed, the first to a thicket have normal weight, and the second to a thicket the superfluous. Whether excess weight is descended? Perhaps, all business in a heredity? As a rule, in two cases from three, at my patients or mum thick, or the daddy, and even both parents. There are demonstrative enough figures - if one of parents is sick of adiposity the probability to have excess weight at its children makes approximately 50 percent. The probability is slightly more, if adiposity at mum and if children of the girl.

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