Sunday, December 9, 2007

Suffers Attacks For Many Years. In The Last

Suffers attacks for many years. In the last two days attacks have become frequent and within last six months happened monthly. One days prior to an attack usually there comes a depression - the presentiment of an attack which, gradually accruing, usually comes to an end with an attack. Recently such condition became constants and - because of fear before able to come an attack, does not go out of doors. 21.II - the blood Analysis: Na=260mg %; K=23,1mg %; Mg=0,4mg %; Ca=11,3mg %; Eh=140 . 22.II - Intravenous injection: (StNa+NaCl+MgCl2+glut)/10. 27.II - Intravenous injection: StNa+NaCl+MgCl2+glut. 8.III - the blood Analysis: Na=292mg %; K=20,1mg %; Mg=1,5mg %; Ca=14mg %; Eh=147 . 9.III - Intravenous injection: StNa+NaCl+glut. 15.III - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+glut. 20.III - the blood Analysis: Na=302mg %; K=20,5mg %; Mg=1,5mg %; Ca=11mg %; Eh=162 . Injections are stopped 25.III - - feels healthy. The Depression is not present. Goes out of doors, happens in public places. During treatment of attacks was not.

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