Thursday, December 13, 2007

It Is Clear That At Deficiency Of Fiber

It is clear that at deficiency of fiber in food these functions suffer. As result increase of any probability of infections and diseases. It is impossible to limit and receipt in an organism of vitamins - factors of food which the organism itself cannot synthesise but in which presence very much is in great need. And some vitamins, in particular 1 and 6 actively participate in oxidation of fats. Their deficiency will necessarily affect rates of a weight loss. Above I already wrote about omega-3 polynonsaturated fat acids. They too can be carried to irreplaceable factors of food as the organism does not develop them. These acids participate in building of membranes of cages and at their lack there can be the diversified infringements of a metabolism and cellular functions. Usual requirement for them - an order of 1-3 grammes in day. Products most them rich - fish and cod-liver oil. It is desirable that in a diet there would be enough of food fibres. They detain surpluses of sugars and fats in intestines, interfering with them , normalise intestines work.

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