Wednesday, August 22, 2007

26.VI - The Blood Analysis: Na=330mg %; K=22,1mg

26.VI - the blood Analysis: Na=330mg %; K=22,1mg %; Mg=2,9mg %; Ca=11,9mg %; Eh=165 . Injections are stopped. 17.VII - Wounds have begun to live. The foot was straightened. Goes on street. Saw the patient on November, 23rd. Wounds are not present. A foot equal. Goes much. Works on an economy. Pulse in a foot and a hand equal and accurate. 7) - - , 42 years. A cancer glands. Cancer bodies of a belly cavity. . - lies. . At enemas - water from mugs is included into a cavity of a gut in the presence of the big pressure (not less than 1,5 - 2 metres of a water column). It is few chair. After enemas there is a painted water with an impurity of small slices . 24.XII - The blood analysis: Na=250mg %; K=16,5mg %; Mg=1,98mg %; Ca=10,8mg %; Eh=130 . 25.XII - Intravenous injection: StK+KCl+NaCl+glut. 30.XII - Some subjective improvement. Feels more vigorous. Gases depart more freely. Water from a mug enters under smaller pressure. 3.I - the blood Analysis: Na=284mg %; K=20,2mg %; Mg=2,9mg %; Ca=11mg %; Eh=138 .

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