Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In Other Words, If In Food It Is

In other words, if in food it is not enough fat products, the rest it is possible and not to consider all. All the same you cannot eat them so many that fat content of your day diet would exceed 40 grammes. And still that too has come to light in our researches. People very quickly get used to be guided in fat content of those or other products. So all these tables in which the quantity of fat is resulted, are necessary to them literally on first one-two weeks. I expect a question: "the Doctor, but after all if to exclude from food all fat, an organism can suffer, or the person can manage in general without fat?". Really, fat molecules are necessary for normal ability to live of an organism. These molecules are built in membranes (cover) of cages and cellular , form special structures for carrying over to blood of some fibers and vitamins. It, so-called, structural fat. Is in its structure and irreplaceable fat acids. In a science for their designation there is a term - polynonsaturated omega-3 fat *.

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