Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Accepting A Preparation In Cost Of 60 Dollars

Accepting a preparation in cost of 60 dollars for a monthly course, the person involuntarily starts to adhere to a diet, at least will is less. To dump thus 5-6 kg, especially, if surplus makes 20-30 kg and more, really which it is possible to a clod, but no more than 15 patients from hundred. But here to keep this result? The statistics is not consolatory. After the termination of a course the weight at grown thin is restored in a current of next 3-6 months. So, the diet remains the unique serious and absolutely necessary moment of treatment of excess weight. And anything such especial in it is not present. Without a diet not to manage practically at any disease, not only at excess weight. The diet is necessary both at a stomach ulcer and at a hypertension and at a diabetes, it is necessary and at excess weight. An another matter what this diet should be? What should be a diet? Actually, from all told above there are clear basic requirements to a diet. Let's them formulate more particularly: to contain a minimum of fat and carbohydrates for while the organism will not burn these factors of food, it will not be accepted to own fat the Diet should provide a condition of power deficiency (prevalence of spent calories over consumed) for while the energy arriving with food enough for a covering of all day power expenditure, the organism will not be accepted to oxidation of an internal stock of energy, that is fat.

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