Thursday, August 28, 2008

So: (overeating) Cannot Be Recognised By A Principal

So: (overeating) cannot be recognised by a principal cause of increase of weight of a body at the majority corpulent Is not present certainly, among corpulent people meet, but, I repeat, much less often, than among the thin. For example, in my practice only one of five-seven patients notices that he more than eats its associates. But is more often happens so. The person, giving in to occurring representations, thinks that he eats much. When you ask it to keep a diary of a food and to write down there everything that he eats, at the analysis of such diary is found out that he eats no more, than on the average. In general, under my data, only one-two person from ten, suffering excess weight, is eaten more than on the average, with five-six approximately as on the average and three-four it is less, than on the average. And all the same, there can be let not the basic, but at least one of the excess weight reasons. And as the certificate that is served by the experiments spent by the American scientists on volunteers which forced to eat in day one and a half-two daily norms of food.

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