Monday, May 11, 2009

Despite It, Results Were Positive Both And And

Despite it, results were positive both and and at was not observed strengthenings of inflammatory process at local application of these damp, unsterile bandages, in the same way never there were inflammations in a prick zone at intravenous injections though both the entered structure, and a syringe, and a needle were not sterile. This detail of our technique did not coincide with the standard methods. The standard means for treatment of inflammatory processes differ the big variety. Each clinic or hospital treats them on the and has the favorite methods. But against this variety there is one point, the general all operational and all dressing, - fear of an infection. It dominates in operational and dressing since Listera until now. Accent strengthening on an element in these conditions, i.e. infringement of the methods which have become extremely habitual, to us was represented by the demonstrative moment strengthening positions of pathogenetic therapy. Manufacture of operations in unsterile conditions answered this problem.

1 comment:

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