Thursday, January 24, 2008

7.I - The Blood Analysis: Na=302mg %; K=20,55mg

7.I - the blood Analysis: Na=302mg %; K=20,55mg %; Mg=2,4mg %; Ca=11,55mg %; Eh=168 . 15.I - the Patient is healthy. Inflammations of a skin are not present. The itch is not present. Wounds from � have begun to live. 6) - K- , 63 years. It is sick of a spontaneous gangrene of the left foot. The onset of the illness carries to 1933 . In 1934 . There was an alternating lameness. Repeatedly lay in hospital. Took sea baths and it was treated on estuary. In 1938 . Have begun 1 and 2 fingers of the left foot. Three months has spent in one of clinics where both fingers have departed. (Has left with not healing wound). In May 1939 ., when I saw for the first time the patient, position was the following: the big languid ulcer in the field of absent 1st and 2nd fingers of the left foot, a deep ulcer on a sole and a deep ulcer in the field of a hillock of a calcaneal bone. The foot is bent at right angle, straighten it cannot. In stop, a popliteal pole and in the field of the right wrist pulse is not probed.

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