Monday, July 16, 2007

The Phenomena Observed By Us At This Stage

The phenomena observed by us at this stage and the data modern [for 1946 - . .] literatures allow to conclude that concentration changes whey of blood and change of power level Eh of oxidation-reduction processes of an organism really is the general symptoms characterising the diversified processes. Indicators of these symptoms are digital indicators of sizes whey of blood and digital indicators Eh. These indicators partially meet the put forward requirements as define qualitatively medical structure in each separate case at its given stage - a stage of consideration of variants of medical process. In the course of the decision of this primary goal (optimisation of medical process) some question about the mechanism of action of applied medical structures is partially mentioned. In essence, experimental check has established only interrelation between the precondition and a result. It has shown that separate parts of medical structures, being are isolated, do not influence a condition of indication and a clinical course, and, being are connected in one complex, show the medical properties.

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