Sunday, April 26, 2009

This Representation Is Contradicted By Small Size Of

This representation is contradicted by small size of our medical dose, its huge cultivations in environments of an organism and, at last, buffer action of its chemical systems. We are inclined to think that these extremely small quantities and tio-groups, getting into a zone a barrier, are quickly blocked by a barrier, and their direct influence stops. However, contact of these elements to elements of physiological system of a connecting fabric creates an impulse which character is defined by physical and chemical properties applied and preparations with SH-groups. It is possible to think that the created normalising impulse spends to action the mechanism autoregulation of functions of physiological system of a connecting fabric which is that arena on which (A.A.Bogomolets's) pathological processes first of all are played, and elements a barrier, is a depot of power and plastic resources of an organism. Thus, the centre of gravity moves from ours influences on reactance of physiological system of a connecting fabric.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

For the bone form pains in joints, bones and a - backbone, not disappearing even at rest are characteristic-. An early - diagnostic sign are destructions a bone layer on phalanxes of fingers of a brush, fusion parts of III phalanx which is not found out at any other disease of bones. Strongly expressed - osteoporosis with full or partial flattening of chest and lumbar vertebras is observed-. Often it is combined with a stomach ulcer and a - duodenal gut, (the section "Peptichesky ulcer" see). The diagnosis put on the basis of the anamnesis, the characteristic symptoms-, given radiological research and laboratory indicators , and .