Sunday, August 17, 2008

Please, Think Up Something.) It Is Possible To

Please, think up something.) It is possible to decide, for example, that a key thing is something one, and on the rest forces/resources will not suffice. Or you decide to exclude something in your opinion the unimportant. Or to improve we will tell, to decide that natural vegetables - yes, this it, but the integral vegetable is much more useful, than juice. And so - do not do it. Understand, to Gersonu after all people whom the usual medicine has already written out last inquiry and the recipe on morphine came basically; - and Gerson squeezed out of the therapy all up to the end and nevertheless pulled out many; understand, each time when it is written that here, is still such nuance etc. is means that someone here could not pass through a crest, and can be - could not - , it is a thing in which for every line it is expensively paid is as -34, understand, there superfluous parts is not present, and is not present, and parts useful-but-not-absolutely-obligatory it is few parts of the casual form.

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