Monday, June 2, 2008

To Define The Nature Of These Moments Became

To define the nature of these moments became the primary goal of the further researches. It we have begun the decision with an influence estimation "K" and "Ca" on an organism. In 1877 ., when Lassar has established increase "K" in a lymph flowing from the inflammatory centre, the question on a role "K" and "Ca" in an organism has undergone to detailed working out. Numerous researches have found out a constancy of their size in considerable changes at diseases. Limits of their physiological fluctuations have been established. They are equal for "K" =19mg %-24mg %, for "Ca" =9mg %-13mg %. It has appeared further that change of parities of size "K" and "Ca" environments make on a current of processes much bigger impact, than increase in their absolute concentration; it have explained that on the action on an organism they are antagonists. Still old experiences of Leba have shown dependence of development of eggs of sea hedgehogs on presence in a solution of neutral salts. Further researches of this area of a distance of Tsondeku an occasion to consider "K" and "Ca" as two poles between which fluctuate a life and functions of cages.

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