Sunday, March 18, 2007

Speaks: "Being A Necessary Component Of Each Cage,

speaks: "Being a necessary component of each cage, only a certain parity between these as representatives of antagonistic influences, guarantees correct physiological function of last. Any deviation in balance of electrolits in this or that party, depending on degree of the given infringement, conducts from a pathology up to �destruction of cages and bodies." Similar, but even more generalising sights are stated by Shade: whey of blood and a fabric represents optimum counterbalanced salt solution. Three its major components are salts NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, the normal parity is thus observed: the quantity of these three salts is that that on 100 molecules NaCl it is necessary nearby 2 KCl and [?] CaCl2. We meet this mix not only in human body juice, it meets in the same kind at all and in all to a number of animals, up to the monocelled. In vegetative cages the same mix of ions also dominates. In it is the basic condition of a life. Biological absolute concentration in enough wide limits even recedes on a background before value of this combination.

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