Friday, March 30, 2007

By The Way, This Thought Too Could Be

By the way, this thought too could be issued in the form of a conclusion: Tendency to corpulence consists that the organism with other things being equal owing to the hereditary reasons badly copes with fat oxidation It turns out, in such a manner that if the organism prefers to burn carbohydrates, can be to that they could not be accumulated he prefers to accumulate fat, instead of to burn. And, believe, to it is where to accumulate fat. Possibilities of fatty depots in this plan are huge. And here, actually, we have approached to a conclusion which is represented to me in understanding of the reasons of adiposity to the most important things: The human body represents an ideal trap of fat and if in food much, or it is not a lot of it, but an organism on what that to the reasons badly copes with its oxidation, increase of weight at the expense of fat accumulation inevitably Actually, that at an overeating of fat the weight can grow, knew both earlier. And always advised is fat less. But basically wishes and restrictions concerned flour and sweet.

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