Sunday, January 14, 2007

For Weight Reduction It Can Be Used In

For weight reduction it can be used in the form of cocktails. However, about it later. For maintenance of weight it can be used simply as a product similar to milk for preparation of dairy soups, sauces, for addition in omelettes, mashed potatoes, porridge, tea, coffee **. The product and can be used it further for preparation of curdled milk, yoghurts, cottage cheese and so on. And if usually the person uses to milk semilitre a day at usual fat content of 3,5 percent it receives 17,5 grammes of fat. Application the Doctor-slima instead of milk, naturally, can reduce fat content of your food by these most 17,5 grammes and accordingly even more to lower risk of a set of weight. By the way, so much fat contains in one third of standard chocolate bar. It turns out - the Doctor-slim instead of milk and in a food there is a space for a good piece of chocolate. And the last. I very much like the term a food. I apply it to a designation of such food at which risk to type superfluous kgs is minimum even at the people very inclined to completeness.

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